Solidity Assignment 1
Last Updated on 23. March 2023 by Martin Schuster
Now, it is your turn. Write your own smart contract.
a) The function calculate should take two parameters a and b of type uint256. It should return the result of a + b. The function can have the state modifier pure. Test the contract.
b) If the contract from a) works, change it according to the following requirements:
- A user has to pay a small fee to be allowed to use the function calculate.
- During deployment, the user can specify the fee.
c) Extend the contract from above according to the following requirements.
- The user that deployed the contract should be able to withdraw the fees.
- It should be possible to specify the amount to be withdrawn. Code this into a function named withdraw.
d) For convenience, add a function that returns the balance of the contract. Call this function getBalance.