Cournot Duopoly
Last Updated on 28. April 2023 by Martin Schuster
The Cournot Duopoly is another example of how selfish (uncoordinated) behavior can lead to a worse outcome than unselfish behavior.
Suppose we have to sellers A and B that face a price-demand-function:
p: price
p = 1000 – (qA + qB)
Whereas qA is the quantity offered by A and qB is the quantity offered by B.
For simplicity, we neglect cost. Each seller wants to maximize his profit (=turnover).
The profit is calculated as:
GA: profit for A
GA = p * qA= [1000 – (qA + qB)] * qA
To find the maximum, we calculate the first derivation and set it zero:
dGA/dqA = 1000 – 2qA – qB = 0
This yields:
qA = (1000 – qB)/2
For B, we do the same and get:
qB = (1000 – qA)/2
In the end, we get the quantities:
qA = 333.33
qB = 333.33
The profit for each seller is:
GA = [1000 – (333.33 + 333.33)] * 333,33 = 111,111.1112
GB = [1000 – (333.33 + 333.33)] * 333,33 = 111,111.1112
The total profit is 222,222.222.
If we replace the 1000 in our price demand function by a parameter a, we get as quantities
qA = 1/3*a
qB = 1/3*a
Is this the best result we can expect? If we assume that both sellers coordinate their quantities (like acting as one company), we get the following situation:
GC = p * Q
GC: profit in the coordination case
Q: total quantity
GC = (1000 – Q)*Q
dGC/dQ = 1000 – 2Q = 0
Q = 500
We can see that the optimal quantity here is 500 (compared to 333.33 + 333.33 in the selfish case).
The total profit is 250,000.
This is more than in the selfish case.
Cournot Duopoly Calculator
With this tool, you can calculate prices, qantities and profits for a simple Cournot Duopoly price demand function:
- p: price
- q: quantity
- a: reservation quantity