Preparation of (virtually) Forking the Ethereum Network
Last Updated on 20. March 2023 by Martin Schuster
Get Access to an Archive Node
As we need access to an archive node, you can get a free account with alchemy:
Set Up MetaMask
This is only for demonstration purposes. Create two Goerli testnet accounts in MetaMask and get some Goerli Test-Ether.
Set Up Hardhat
You need to install node.js first. Follow the instructions here to install it:
In case you want to dive deeper into hardhat, here is the hardhat documentation:
Open your terminal, create a folder called hardhatTest, and navigate to that folder.
Install hardhat via
npm install --save-dev hardhat
Install the hardhat toolbox via
npm install @nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox
Run hardhat via
npx hardhat
Choose Create a JavaScript Project.
This walks you through some configuration steps. You can check all of them with yes. This installs the dependencies waffle and ethers. Particularly ethers is important for us. Of course, you could also create an empty hardhat.config.js and install all dependencies manually, if you choose this option. But we take the convenient way.